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Welcome to the University of Seychelles


June 17, 2024

Independent Research Project – BSc Environmental Science

On Wednesday, 12th June 2024, the final year students in the BSc Environmental Science programme presented their Independent Research Project during the Department’s annual Viva. Six student presented on various topics ranging from BRUVs surveys, coral monitoring, valuating mangrove forests, forest rehabilitation, hydroponics and assessing solar PV system in commercial businesses. This Viva provides students the opportunity to defend their mini-thesis, as well as share their findings with peers, stakeholders and the public.
As part of the activities, the Department also presented the Colleen Morel Scholarship to a current 1st year students in the Programme, kindly sponsored by HSavy Seychelles, Sustainability for Seychelles and the Colleen Morel family trust. This year the recipient is Maria Anacoura👏🏾.