Leadership and Strategy
Charter and Strategic Plan
Charter and Strategic Plan
In exercise of the powers under Section 15 of the Education Act 2004, the Government of Seychelles grants the University of Seychelles license to operate as a Tertiary Education Institution in Seychelles as per certificate number: PET-FT-01-09.
The 2009 Charter is hereby revised by a decision of the University Council on the 18th November 2011 to ensure that it is in line with the Tertiary Education Act 2011.
Strategic Plan
On 18th June 2007, to commemorate the Seychelles National Day, the former President of the Republic of Seychelles, Mr. James Alix Michel, made a historic announcement – the creation of the Seychelles University Foundation, with the mandate to establish the first university for Seychelles. In his statement, President Michel expressed his vision for further development of education in Seychelles and how this will contribute to achieving the development goals of the country. In turn, this will transform our small island developing state into a knowledge-based society.
Two years later, UniSey accepted its first cohort of students and since then, the student numbers have increased as well as the range of programmes and courses on offer.