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Welcome to the University of Seychelles

Registrar's Secretariat



Contact Us

Mrs. Marie-France Loze

Senior Librarian


+248 438 1227


The Library Services seek to provide a safe and secure learning environment where diverse experiences and perspectives are honored. Library users are expected to respect the rights of others, the integrity of the Library resources and the scholarly mission of the Library.

The library is located at the Anse Royale campus and it provides resources and services for students studying at both campuses.  It offers a wide range of electronic and non-electronic facilities and services to registered students, academic and support staff as well as external users.


The Library provides information to support the learning, teaching and research needs of the faculty, staff and students of the University of Seychelles.

 Meet these needs by providing materials relating to all the different subjects taught   at the different faculties which are available for consultation or loan in printed form.


Membership is open to:

  • University of Seychelles staff, part-time and visiting lecturers.
  • All registered students of the University of Seychelles including part-time courses.
  • Members of the University Council and other distinguished non-academic visitors.
Library Facilities and Services

The Library provides the following:

  • Computer and internet facilities for online studies.
  • Lending (loans, returns, renewals and reservations).
  • Reference and research services.
  • Enquiry services.
  • Inter-library loans.
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

OPAC gives you details and allows you to search all the titles in stock in the University of Seychelles Library.

It indicates to its users as to where they are held and if they are available for you to borrow or reserve.

  • Search can be done by author, title, and subject.
  • Library OPAC URL (through your logins to be obtained from the ITS.)
  • Access to other Library online database.   (e,                                                                                              
Study Room
 The University of Seychelles has a study room, adjacent to the Library, available for use by individuals.  All library users are required to comply with the Library Policy and Procedures.

The Study Room caters for 20 users – students, lecturers or staff.  It is a quiet area conducive to studying, reading and/or research work. It also has computers with Internet access.