UniSey is committed to developing research that will be of direct value and application to Seychelles – in line with the nation’s social and cultural traditions, and in its transition to a knowledge-based economy. UniSey will ensure that research features strongly in the institution’s overall profile of activities. All researchers, be it from faculty or the students themselves, will be encouraged to contribute to the achievement of this policy.
Research Projects
The Faculties and Research Institutes work together to undertake a number of research projects . Visit their respective page for more information about their thematic research areas; past and recent projects; and the partners they are in collaboration with.
Policy and Procedures
Seychelles Research Journal
To encourage and reflect research at the university, a journal, Island Studies, was first published in 2014. Building on this experience, Island Studies has been succeeded by a new publication, Seychelles Research Journal.
Seychelles Research Journal is an online publication with a rigorous refereeing process for scholarly articles. In the interests of sharing knowledge as widely as possible it is open access, making it free to all users. There are two issues each year, in February and August.
The aim of the journal is to showcase research undertaken in and about Seychelles. While it is produced by the University of Seychelles, it includes articles and reports of research undertaken in other local institutions as well. Boundaries are drawn loosely to include relevant research findings in neighbouring islands and other small island states.
Actes du XVIème Colloque International du CIEC
Ce livre comprend une trentaine d’articles de chercheurs et créolistes du monde entier, qui ont contribué au 16e colloque international des études créoles tenu aux Seychelles en 2018. Le contenu aborde les différentes facettes du développement des communautés créoles, notamment dans le contexte de l’éducation et culture. Ces communautés comprennent les zones créoles de l’océan Indien, des Caraïbes et des Amériques. D’un point de vue holistique, bien qu’il s’agisse d’un produit académique, ce livre représente l’expérience de vie réelle des communautés créoles au 21ème siècle. La plupart des articles ont été rédigés par des universitaires, des éducateurs, des artistes et des praticiens de la culture qui sont membres de ces communautés et ont donc une expérience directe des réalisations des peuples créoles et des défis auxquels ils sont confrontés en tant que communautés périphériques dans un monde globalisé.