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Welcome to the University of Seychelles



Office of the Registrar

Contact Us

Registrar’s Secretariat Coordinator


+248 438 1209




According to the Charter of the University of Seychelles, there shall be a Registrar of the University who shall be appointed with the agreement of the Council, in accordance with normal university appointment procedures. In certain instances, the duties of a Registrar may be combined with those of another senior post. 

The Registrar (whether as a separate post-holder or in combination with other duties) shall be responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for:

    1. the custodianship of the records and such other property of the university as prescribed in the Charter and Statutes;
    2. conducting official correspondence on behalf of the university;
    3. issuing notices for convening meetings of the authorities of the university and of the committees of those authorities;
    4. keeping minutes of all meetings referred to in paragraph (c);
    5. making arrangements for and supervising the examinations conducted by the university;
    6. representing the university, as directed by the Vice-Chancellor, in all legal proceedings by or against the university, signing powers of attorney and doing all other things relating to such proceedings;
    7. entering into agreements, signing documents and authenticating records on behalf of the university;
    8. holding in special custody records, books and documents and the common seal of the university;
    9. safeguarding and maintaining campuses, buildings, gardens, vehicles, equipment and other properties of the university.