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Welcome to the University of Seychelles


November 20, 2023

ESERI Events

Language in Education workshop

On the 25th October 2023, the Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute (ESERI) of the University of Seychelles (UniSey) hosted a workshop on Language and Education at the Seychelles Institute of Education (SITE) Auditorium. It was opened by Ms. Merna Eulentin, the Principal Secretary of Educational Services, Ministry of Education and Dr. Justin Zelime, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Socio-Economic Development of UniSey. The workshop, being a key component of the Networking for Multilingual Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Project, was funded by the Swedish Research Council. It showcased the expertise and experience of education researchers from Tanzania, Zanzibar, Sweden, the UK who are working in collaboration with decision makers, educators, and researchers in the field of education in the Seychelles. 

The focus of the project is on multilingual education in sub-Saharan countries whereby it is the norm for a European language to replace the home language as medium of instruction, at different levels of schooling. Studies suggest that subtractive approaches frequently lead to failures and early drop-outs. The project aims to develop models for how learners can be supported linguistically in the classroom through supportive use of their home language, through teachers adapting their second language use to suit the level of the learners and through adaptation of learning materials etc. The research network therefore aims at building a regional and international community of practice connecting researchers with educators and decisions makers. By encouraging reflective practices and collaborative research across Africa, it is anticipated that this research will inform policy decision and bring about positive change in education policy planning and decision making across the continent.

Coordinating the project for Seychelles is Professor Mats Deutschmann of the University of Örebro, Sweden who is also working as Research Consultant at ESERI.