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Welcome to the University of Seychelles

Mrs. Eugenie Khani

Quality Assurance

Contact Us

Mrs. Diana Ithier

Director for Quality Assurance 



+248 438 1235

Eugenie Khani is a UniSey Alumni and has been working for the University of Seychelles for 10 years.  She started as a Research Officer in the Blue Economy Research Institute in 2015. In 2018 she was transferred to the Quality Assurance Office as a QA Officer. She was later promoted to Senior Quality Assurance Officer in 2022, a position she is holding to date. Her main roles are as follows:  

  1. Undertakes delegated key roles in leading UniSey’s quality management enhancement and implements quality culture strategies in accordance to UniSey’s Frameworks through sensitization programmes.  
  2. Assists the Director in determining, negotiating and agreeing on internal quality assurance procedures, standards and specifications for quality enhancement across UniSey.  
  3. Assists with the drafting and review of quality assurance policies and procedures. 
  4. Assists the Director with the quality assurance process for policy development/review within UniSey.  
  5. Assists the Director with the verification of evaluations and internal audits and other QA reports. Assists the Director with the analysis of evaluations/audit findings and guides and supports appropriate corrective actions.  
  6. Assists the Director with the coordination of the institution’s evaluation/audit conducted by external providers.  
  7. Supports the review and implementation and efficiency of quality assurance monitoring and evaluation systems.  
  8. Manages the internal quality assurance processes for programme validation and review.  
  9. Assists the Director with the preparation of the strategic plan, budget and reports.  
  10. Assists with the identification of risks and advice on appropriate management activities.  
  11. Represents the Section on relevant committees and working groups throughout the University. 
  • MSc Marine Science and Sustainability at the University of Seychelles, Anse Royale, Mahé, Seychelles (July 2022).

Dissertation – ‘The effects of veterinary drugs and chemicals used in aquaculture on water quality parameters and potential risk to aquatic and human health’. (May 2021).

  • BSc Environmental Science with specialization in Climate Change Resilience at the University of Seychelles. (April 2012- February 2015).
  • Dissertation- ‘Impact of Drought and heavy rainfall on food security in relation to commercial farming on Mahé (Seychelles)’. (January 2015).
  • Advanced Certificate Course on “Quality Assurance Through Accreditation in higher Education in developing Countries”. Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai, India. Under the auspices of the ITEC program, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. (Nov to Dec 2023) 
  • Quality Assurance Training for Tertiary Education and Training Institutions in Seychelles (May 2022).
  • Course in Excel 2016 intermediate at the University of Seychelles, ICT centre, Mont-Fleuri, Mahé, Seychelles (June 2018).
  • Australia Award Fellowship with CSIRO on Capacity building in Blue Economy with emphasis on Blue Carbon (October to November 2017).
  • Course in Environmental Management at the University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute, Perth, Australia (June 2016).
  • Training Course in Research Data Management at the Institute of Oceanography and Environment, University Malaysia Terrenganu, Kuala Terrenganu, Malaysia (May 2016).

Creating a Managed Environmental Network in the Western Indian Ocean, by Dennis Hardy, Uvicka Bristol, Eugenie Khani, Kelly Hoareau and Rowana Walton, From the James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute, University of Seychelles.