Department of Education, Languages and Media
Department of Education, Languages and Media
Contact Us
Mrs. Annie Laurette
Head of the Department of Education, Languages and Media
+248 438 1220
Dr. Indra Persaud
Published chapters and articles include:
- ‘Seychelles Teacher Education’ (book chapter) in the Handbook of Teacher Education (2019, co-authored with Dr S. Marie), HM Studies and Publishing. Click Here
- ‘The Daring Discourses of Teaching Geography’, in Teaching Geography (Autumn 2015) and Geography (2011) 96 (3) 137-142; Geographical Association.‘Island Créolité: the making and re-making of island identities’, in Island Studies, UniSey, 2014.
- ‘The Daring Discourses of Teaching Geography’, in Teaching Geography (Autumn 2015) and Geography (2011) 96 (3) 137-142; Geographical Association.
- ‘Insider and Outsider Analysis: Constructing, Deconstructing, and Reconstructing Narratives of Seychelles’ Geography Education’ article in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods (18:1–12), Sage. Click Here
- Conference presentations include ‘Seychelles Blue Economy’ at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference (2016), ‘Unpacking Paradise: Geography Education Narratives from the Seychelles’ at the Annual Geographical Association Conference (2013) and the BAICE Conference (2014).
Dr. Justin Zelime
- Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2016). Click Here. Island Studies,3(1),50-59.
- Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2018). Conflicting Ideologies: When the Ideological Meets the Perceived and Operational.– A
study of primary teachers’ attitudes, perceptions and practice of Seychelles Creole (Kreol Seselwa) and English as mediums of instruction in the Seychelles Primary Schools. In Smith, K. (ed) (2018). Norsk og internasjonal lærerutdanningsforskning: Hvor er vi? Hvor vil vi gå? Hva skal vi gjøre nå? / Norway: Fagbokforlaget, 129-151
- Zelime, J., Deutschmann, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2018). The effect of the language of testing on second language learners’ academic performance in Social Studies: The case of Kreol Seselwa and English in the Seychelles classrooms. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, pp. 1-22. Click Here
- Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2018). Communicating local knowledge in a foreign language – a comparative study of ideational and interpersonal aspects of primary school pupils’ L1 and L2 texts in the Seychelles. (submitted Deutschmann, M. & Zelime, J. (2014). Towards a Framework for Investigating Language-in-Education-Policies in Second Language Medium of Instruction Contexts – The Case of the Seychelles. Island Studies, ISSN 1694-2582, 1, (1), 68-77
- Deutschmann, M. & Zelime, J. (2015) I used to like writing in Kreol but now I only use English”: an exploratory study of language attitudes and examination performance among primary and secondary school pupils in the Seychelles: Island Studies, ISSN 1694-2582, 1, (2), 36-45
Dr. Bryan Moumou
ICT Skills for Teachers, (2006);
Information and Communication Technology in the National Curriculum, (2008).
Dr. Olga Klymenko
Over forty articles and abstracts in Russian, Ukrainian and English, 1 monograph in Russian, among others:
- Descriptivity of Graphic Verbs in Seychellois Creole // Seychelles Research Journal Vol. 2, Number 1, February 2020, p. 98-108, Dennis Hardy (ed.) ISSN 1659-7435. Click Here
- Scaling language competition in a small island state: Graphic verbs in Seychellois Creole and English // Small States & Territories Journal Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2020, pp. 5-116. Click Here
- Semantic Subject of English Physical Activity Verbs // Semantik und Pragmatik im Spannungsfeld der germanistishen und kontrastiven Linguistik. Donezk Studien zur Germanistik, kontrastiven und diachronen Linguistic. Band 1. / Lagupova, Larysa/ Kaliuscenko, Vladimir/ Katny, Andrzej/ Roll, Hieke (Hrsg.). – Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013. – S. 127-135.
- Action Components in the Verbs of Physical Activity// Humanities Across the Borders : [collection of papers / editors-in-chief O.L. Byessonova, N.I. Panasenko]. – Donetsk – Trnava: DonNU, 2012. – pp. 47-53.
- Created Object Valency Realisation in English Graphic Verbs (text in Russian) // Acta Linguistica Vol. 8, No1, 2014: June-July. Accessible Click Here
- Created Object in English and Spanish Graphic Verbs // Studia Germanica Et Romanica: Scientific Journal – Donetsk: Donetsk National University, 2014. – Т.11. – № 2(32). – pp.80-90
- Explicit and Implicit Ways of Resource Encoding in English Physical Activity Verbs // Linguistychni Studii: Collection of scientific papers.. – Donetsk: Donetsk National University, 2014. – Issue 28. – pp.. 24-29.
- Resource Encoding in English and Spanish Graphic Verbs // Language. Culture. Translation. Communication: [collection of scientific papers / Demyankov V.Z (ed.)]. – Moscow: Tezaurus, 2015. – pp.512-515, ISBN 978-5-98421-316-5. pdf version available
- Corpus Engagement in the Semantic Analysis of Graphic Verbs in island Sudies // Island Studies Indian Ocean/Océan Indien [K. Valaydon, P. Nadal (eds)], 2016, pp 66-70. pdf version available
- Place Encoding Varieties in English and Spanish Graphic Verbs // Comparative and Diachronic Studies of Language Units and Categories: Materials of XIV International Linguistic Seminar (Donetsk-Pyatigorsk 2016, pp. 126-135), ISBN 978-5-4220-0787-5. pdf version available.
- English and Spanish Graphic verbs: Variations of Action Components Encoding // Broadening Linguistic Boundaries: [collection of scientific papers /Yagupova L. (ed.)].-Rostov-na-Donu, 2016.- pp.109-122, ISBN 978-5-9275-2258-3. pdf version available
Among recent public presentations:
- Rethinking Education in SIDS: 1st International Education Conference on Small Island Developing States (5-8th July 2015, Mahe, Seychelles. Corpus Engagement in the Semantic Analysis of Graphic Verbs
- XIV International Linguistic Seminar on Comparative and Diachronic Studies of Language Units and Categories (15th November 2016, Donetsk, Ukraine). Place Encoding Varieties in English and Spanish Graphic Verbs.
- Research Seminar at the School of Education of Umea University (25th April 2017, Umea University, Sweden. Graphic Verbs in Different Languages: Semantic Perspective.
- 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Seychelles (3rd November 2017, University of Seychelles). Comparative Argument Structure Analysis: Created Object in Graphic Verbs.
- XVIth International Conference of Creole Studies “Creole Worlds, Creole Languages and Development: Educational, Cultural and Economic Challenges” (28th October – 3rd November 2018, Mahé, Seychelles). Realization of Semantic Arguments in English and Seychellois Creole.
- Seychelles Arts Festival 2018 (21st-22nd November 2018, Mahe, Seychelles). Understanding and Respecting Standards in Artistic Production.