Welcome to the University of Seychelles

Faculty of
Business and Sustainable Development

Since its inception in 2009, albeit under a different name, the Faculty has experienced relentless rapid growth in terms of its student and staff numbers, portfolio of activities and reputation. In its first year, the faculty consisted of eight staff members and under thirty students. Now, those numbers have increased to about three and five times more, respectively. While the Faculty started off by delivering only undergraduate programmes, in partnership with the University of London, it now offers some of its own undergraduate and post-graduate programmes, has published a number of studies in the field of marine science, staged conferences, entered into strategic alliances with over fifteen local and international academic and research institutions and is regularly invited to a host of decision-making forums, both locally and abroad. Driving such developments are increasing demand and deliberate strategies for keeping the faculty relevant.

Our current degrees help prepare students for not only a professional career but also continuous and higher learning in the areas of business administration, environmental science, law, economics, accounting, banking and finance. They are delivered by a dynamic and dedicated team of academics, researchers and practitioners. Thanks to our predominantly student-centred learning approaches, we have consistently maintained an average pass rate of about 95% and conferred a comparatively high rate of first-class honours degrees.

Our graduates, including some from Europe, are not only to be found in both public and private sector organisations but are also fast ladder climbers. They include: directors, managers, lawyers, marketing entrepreneurs; and, more specifically, a member of the National Assembly of Seychelles, a Chief Executive Officer, a Director General in the Government of Seychelles. While they are collectively impacting individual lives and the wider society in immeasurable ways, our graduates are nonetheless helping to shape the future of society.

We also face important challenges. For example, there are mounting pressures for the Faculty to help move the local sustainable development agenda forward, particularly in the areas of the ‘blue’ and climate-resilient economies. In addition, more well-established higher education institutions are aggressively expanding their operations in the region. Going forward, we need to bolster our academic and research capacities to dynamically respond to demand and also craft inimitable competences.

In the light of our growth history and charted strategy for further development, our young Faculty seems destined for more exciting times ahead with a more commanding choice of degrees, research profile and impact on wider society.

Office of the Dean

Dr. Michael Hall

Ms. Noritha Legaie


Business and Finance

The Department offers business programmes in undergraduate and postgraduate level. The department aims to grow its programme offering to meet the market demand. As the national university, we aspire to be at the heart of the socio-economic transformation of Seychelles

Environmental Science

To enable knowledgeable and skilled graduates passionate about addressing environmental challenges encountered in Seychelles, in the region and beyond, and provide sound scientific research to support conservation and management of marine, coastal and terrestrial resources.


To equip graduates with relevant knowledge and skills in the discipline of law, setting a strong foundation for our graduates to develop a passion for addressing legal challenges encountered in Seychelles, in the region and globally.

Tourism and Cultural Heritage

To produce graduates who can succeed in a travel and tourism economics career in Seychelles and beyond.

Research Institutes and Education Centres

James Michel Blue Economy Research Institute

The Blue Economy Research Institute – University of Seychelles (BERI -UniSey) was developed to support research in the area of environmental science, specifically relating to the Blue Economy........

James R. Mancham Peace and Diplomacy Research Institute

The James R. Mancham Peace and Diplomacy Research Institute was formally established in August 2017, under the auspices of the University of Seychelles...........

University Centre for Environmental Education

The Unisey Centre for Environmental Education (UCEE) is located at Anse Royale University campus in one classroom converted with admin space, a small documentation corner........

Island Biodiversity & Conservation Centre

The Island Biodiversity and Conservation centre is an initiative from members of the scientific community of Seychelles, grouped under the NGO Island Biodiversity Conservation (IBC)......

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