Thanks to the varied backgrounds of its faculty members, the Department of Law engages in a wide range of research areas of national and international relevance.
Department of Law
Department of Law
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Research Areas
At the moment, we are focusing on the following macro areas:
- Transnational law and regulation: We study the interplay between national and transnational regulatory and legal frameworks that impact product safety and, in particular, health products such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices or vaccines.
- Civil law: We engage with critical and contentious issues in private law in today’s Seychelles, with a particular focus on civil liability and property law.
- Criminal law: We examine the most innovative aspects of criminal law in Seychelles currently, with a specific focus on drugs law and law enforcement.
- Public law: We will produce scholarly analyses of any decisions by the Seychelles Constitutional Court on crucial aspects of the democratic life of the country (election petitions and public order in particular).
- Public international law: We examine current issues and debates in public international law, including international criminal law and international humanitarian law.
- “Commentary on Regulation (EU) 655/2014 Establishing a European Account Preservation Order Procedure to Facilitate Cross-Border Debt Recovery in Civil and Commercial Matters” – commentary in preparation for Cambridge University Press (by Dr Sara Migliorini in co-authorship with Prof. Gilles Cuniberti, University of Luxemburg).
- “Transnational Pharmaceutical Regulation in the Courts: Closed System, Hard Looks” – monograph in preparation for Cambridge University Press (by Dr Marco Rizzi).
- “Medical Liability in Seychelles: the Case for No-Fault Compensation” – working paper to be presented at the forthcoming workshop “Current Issues in Medical Liability”, Palais de Justice, Seychelles, 7 November 2016 (by Dr Marco Rizzi, in collaboration with the Judicial College of Seychelles).
- “The EU in the Face of Pandemics: Domestic Rules in a Transnational Context” – article to be presented at the forthcoming conference “Germs, Bioterrorism and Chemical Attacks: Internal and External EU Security Perspectives”, Maastricht University Campus, Brussels, Belgium, 21-22 November 2016 (by Dr Marco Rizzi).
- “A socio-legal study of the Court of Justice of COMESA” (by Dr Marco Rizzi in collaboration with the iCourts Center of Excellence for International Courts – Copenhagen).
- “Vaccines in the Face of Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases: Towards Defining the Space of EU Public Health between Security Policy and a Transnational Market”, article under review for a special issue of European Journal of Risk Regulation,submitted 1 May 2017 (by Dr Marco Rizzi).
The Department of Law offers consultancies on all its research areas.