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Welcome to the University of Seychelles

Mr. Samuel Mundua

Department of Education, Languages and Media

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Mrs. Annie Laurette

Head of the Department of Education, Languages and Media


+248 438 1220

Mr. Samuel Mundua is a Senior Lecturer of Journalism in the Department of Education, Language and Media under the Faculty of Social Arts and Development (FASD) at the University of Seychelles (UniSey).  He previously worked as a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department (HOD) of Media Studies at Bayan College (Affiliated with Purdue University Northwest, USA) in the Sultanate of Oman-Middle East, from 2013 to 2023. 

His areas of expertise include Strategic Communication, Strategic Media Management, Public Relations, Media Studies, Journalism and New Media, Media and Communication Research, International Media Systems, Media and Digital Literacy.

Mr. Mundua is a member of the Arab-European Association of Media and Communication Researchers (AREACORE). He is also member of the International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) and a member of the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU).

  • PhD Candidate of Doctoral of Philosophy in Communication at the Department of Communication Science, College of Human Sciences (CHS) University of South Africa (UNISA).
  • Master of Arts in Public Relations and Media Management (MA. PR&MM) from Cavendish University.
  • Bachelor of Public Relations Management (BA. PRM) from Ndejje University in Uganda.
  • Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (DIP. J&M) from UMCAT School of Journalism and Mass communication in Uganda.