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Welcome to the University of Seychelles

International and Local Engagement


International and Local Engagement

Contact Us

Mrs. Prema Servina

Senior Manager 

Stakeholders’ Engagement Section



+248 438 1245

Internationalisation Profile

Since its inception in 2009, the University of Seychelles  has engaged in auspicious and beneficial collaborations with international institutions worldwide.  Presently, there are over 25 official international agreements covering a variety of educational institutions in countries such as the United Kingdom, France, China, Japan, India, Australia and Mauritius. These agreements range from academic, educational, research and training cooperation through to student and staff exchange, adhering to the Vision, Mission and Values of the University.  Furthermore, to enhance its internationalization strategy, the University of Seychelles has engaged with organisations ranging from single institutions to inter-governmental organizations such as the Commonwealth of Learning and Pan-African e-network.

Some examples of current partners:

Purpose of agreement

To be a recognised teaching institution.

Actual involvement

  • Achieved certificate of recognition in 2013.
  • Eight programmes currently on offer.
  • New courses to be on offer: BSc Management with Laws, Graduate Diploma in Finance, Certificate in Higher Education in Common Law, Certificate in Computing and Information Systems.
  • Further courses to be added.



  • UniSey hosted four graduation ceremonies with 171 graduates from years 2009-2016. Courses included: BSc Business Administration with Specialisation in Marketing, Human Resource Management and International Business, BSc and Diploma in Computing and Information Systems, BSc Geography and Environment, LLB Law, BSc Banking, Economics, Accounting and Finance, BA English.
  • Five graduates achieved first class honours, two of which obtained best overall performance.
  • By 2015 UniSey was recognised as a registered centre.
  • In 2016, Royal Holloway College, recognised UniSey as one of the best performing institutions.
  • Continuous efforts in engaging and encouraging staff mobility through exchange, and with seminars in teaching institutions such as Sri Lanka, Singapore and London.

The University of London is constantly assisting UniSey in areas such as marketing, quality assurance and teaching and learning.

Purpose of agreement

To be a recognised teaching institution.

Actual involvement

• First bilingual programme: Master in Sustainable Tourism Management with fifteen students enrolled.
• New course on offer: LLM Masters in Law.
• Research work through staff mobility.


• Eleven students graduated with degrees in Licence Professionnelle en Hôtellerie et Tourisme.
• Five students graduated with high marks of which one obtained a scholarship from the French government.

Offering different programmes, workshops and seminars in various institutions in other areas.

Purpose of agreement

To defend the French language and to provide equivalent opportunities for French in teacher training.

Actual involvement

• Research in curriculum, contextualization and formation of teachers with AUF-1, headed by the University of Madagascar.
• Research in family and school cultures: cross-references of children and adolescents in the southwest Indian Ocean by the University of Reunion.
• Semester visiting lecturers from the University of Reunion.
• Exchange of lecturers with the Palme-Linnaeus exchange programme between Umea and Unisey.
• The preparation of a Master’s programme in Languages.


• Twenty-eight students graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in French (Licence de Français).
• Five graduates excelled in their degree, securing a scholarship from the Government of Seychelles and the French government to pursue their Masters.

Purpose of agreement

Promoting Information Technology through the establishment of an ISCEICT centre.

Actual involvement

• Use of the centre to promote on-line distance education with the Commonwealth of Leaning.
• 166 students enrolled during the years 2012-2018.
• The involvement of the ICT Centre staff with the marketing department to promote UniSey courses and encourage secondary students to apply for IT programmes.
• The setting up of an ICT Centre on other islands, such as Praslin and La Digue.


Sixty-nine students graduated in 2013-2015 in the following areas: Diploma in Computing and IT specializing in Infrastructure, Security and CISCO networking, Software Development and Web Technologies and Databases. Twenty-six students will be graduating in September 2017.

Purpose of agreement

The establishment of the Confucius Institute to support and promote the development of Chinese language education and culture.

Actual involvement

• Chinese Day/festival, donation of bilingual books to Seychelles orphanage.
• Off-campus lectures with staff from local ministries such as the Ministry of Culture, and students from post-secondary institutions, e.g Seychelles Police Academy.
• The proposed establishment of a medical faculty at UniSey and more involvement by researchers with the James Michel Blue Economy Institute.


• Approximately one hundred participants, including UniSey staff, followed the Chinese language classes between the years 2014 and 2017.

Over twenty staff from Dalian University have participated in exchange programmes for the purpose of enhancing friendship, cooperation, cultural and academic exchange.

Purpose of agreement

• The local delivery of the Master of Business Administration.
• To facilitate the successful transition of students.
• To establish and deliver programmes jointly by staff.
• The development and provision of programmes utilising various delivery methods.
• To establish a mutual programme of staff/student exchange.
• To explore potential for future research links.
• To develop international links for the benefit of staff and students.

Actual involvement

• Master in Business Administration with thirty-one students enrolled.
• Degree in Counselling and Integrated Health and Social Care focussing on elderly care.


• International engagement between thirteen partner institutions hosted by the School of Business and Enterprise. This led to the participation of UniSey staff, through lectures and workshops, and contributions towards the development of the International Partnership and Virtual Learning Environment.

Purpose of agreement

To promote cooperation in education and research through teaching and research projects.

Actual involvement

• Research by the Transdisciplinary Lab of ETH Zurich on the assessment of solid waste management in Seychelles which involved the exchange of eighteen international Master’s students pairing up with eighteen undergraduate UniSey students.
• Research on vegetation monitoring and human impact assessment of the Baie Lazare water catchment area.


A Report was produced based on the case study on Solid Waste Management in Seychelles; copies were presented to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

The University of Seychelles has a history of  collaboration with overseas institutions and organisations through the creation of formal partnerships.  Below is a list of international institutions and organisations the University has engaged with: