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Welcome to the University of Seychelles

Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute


Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute

Contact Us

Mrs. Christine Pejakovic

Director of the Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute



+248 438 1232

Focal Point 1: Education
    • Anyanwu, R. N. & Jules, R. (2022). Doing Action Research: The Experience of teachers in Seychelles. East African Journal of Education Studies, 5 (1), 14-25.
    • Anyanwu, R. N. (2020). Looking through the Lens of Complexity Theory: An Evaluation of Climate Change and Coronavirus 2019 Outbreak. Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3 (2), 36-47.
    • Anyanwu, R. N. (2019). The level of climate change science literacy among teachers in Seychelles: Implications for the Blue Economy. Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2 (2), 1-13.
    • Anyanwu, R. N. & Le Grange, L. (2018). The nature of climate science: Challenges for the development of climate change science literacy in education. African International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2 (5) 24-34.
    • Anyanwu, R. & Le Grange, L. (2017). The influence of teacher variables on climate change science literacy of Geography teachers in the Western Cape, South Africa. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2017, 1-4.
    • Anyanwu, R., Le Grange, L. & Beets, P. (2015). Climate Change Science: The Literacy of Geography Teachers in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 35 (3), 1-9.


    • Deutschmann, M & Zelime, J. (2022). Kréol Seselwa in Education – A Historical/Political Overview. In Renauld Govain (ed). Kreolistika 02. Rationalités et imaginaires créoles. Pratique, expression et usage (pp. 71-80). Scitep editions.
    • Deutschmann, M. , Steinvall, A. & Lindvall-Östling, M. (2021). 
    • Deutschmann, M. & Zelime, J. (2021). Click Here. Routledge.
    • Ivanov, S. , Deutschmann, M. & Enever, J. (2015). Click Here. Umeå: Department of Language Studies, Umeå University.
    • Lindvall-Östling, M. , Deutschmann, M. , Steinvall, A. & Strömberg, S. (2020). “Click HereC
    • Moumou, B. G. (2021). The Development of Seychellois Primary School Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Self-Efficacy Beliefs through Reflective Practice: A Quasi-experimental Study. A thesis submitted for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. UK: Staffordshire University Bryan Moumou PhD Thesis_August 2021.pdf (
    • Persaud, I. (2020) Teaching geographies of small and large, near and far: Multi-scalar identities in the Seychelles geography classroom, Seychelles Research Journal, Vol. 3:1, University of Seychelles.
    • Persaud, I. (2019) Insider and Outsider Analysis: Constructing, Deconstructing, and Reconstructing Narratives of Seychelles’ Geography Education’ article in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods (18:1–12), Sage. 2019.
    • Persaud, I (2019) Teacher Education in Seychelles (co-authored chapter) for the International Handbook of Teacher Education (Ed. Prof Wolhuter),
    • Persaud, I. (2015) My Place: Seychelles, in Teaching Geography, Geographical Association
    • Persaud, I (2015) The Daring Discourses of Teaching Geography, in Teaching Geography, Geographical Association
    • Persaud, I (2011) The Daring Discourses of Teaching Geography, in Geography, 2011, 93(3) (peer-reviewed journal) Geographical Association.
    • Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2019). Communicating local knowledge in a foreign language: a comparative study of ideational and interpersonal aspects of primary school pupils’ L1 and L2 texts in the Seychelles. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 19, 1-28.
    • Zelime, J. , Deutschmann, M. & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2018). The effect of the language of testing on second language learners’ academic performance in Social Studies: The case of Kreol Seselwa and English in the Seychelles classrooms. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, 1-22.
    • Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2018). Conflicting ideologies: When the ideological Meets the Perceived and Operational: – A Study of primary teachers’ attitudes, perceptions and practice of Seychelles Creole (Kreol Seselwa) and English as mediums of instruction in the Seychelles Primary Schools. I: Kari Smith, Norsk og internasjonal lærerutdanningsforskning: Hvor er vi? Hvor vil vi gå? Hva skal vi gjøre nå? (ss. 129-151). Bergen, Norge: Fagbokforlaget.
    • Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2016). Revisiting the Trilingual Language-in-Education policy in the Seychelles National Curriculum Framework and Subject Curricula: Intentions and Practice. Island Studies, 3 (1), 50-59.
    • Zelime, J. (2022). Contrasting language-in-education policy intentions, perceptions and practice: the use of English and Kreol Seselwa in the Seychelles. Umeå University, Faculty of Arts, Department of language studies. University or Seychelles, Anse Royale, Seychelles. (LITUM)ORCID iD:0000-0002-1341-3854


Focal Point 2: Socio-Economic Matters
  • Nicette, G. (2019) Gender Identity in Social Work: Male Social Workers’ Experience in Seychelles. Seychelles Research Journal 1 (1).
  • Orock, A. & Nicette, G. (2021). A review of literature on peer-based recovery support in substance abuse and the implications for effective implementation in Seychelles. Journal of Substance Use: Taylor & Francis Group
  • Persaud, I. (2020) A Million Cans of Tuna a Day: Where next for Seychelles’ ‘Blue Economy’? Seychelles Research Journal, Vol. 2:1, University of Seychelles
  • Fleischmann, K., Bandara, A., Persaud, I. Krütli, P. and Vel, T. (2020) Forest Rehabilitation and Assessment of Important Elements of the Ecosystem Services of the Val d’Endor Watershed on the Island of Mahé, Seychelles Research Journal, Vol. 2:1, University of Seychelles