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Honorary Professor Mats Deutschmann

Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute

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Mrs. Christine Pejakovic

Director of the Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute



+248 438 1232

Honorary ProfessorMats Deutschmann is a Professor of English at Örebro University, Sweden.

He holds a Bachelor degree in Science, a Master degree in Education, and a Doctorate degree in English linguistics. With almost thirty years’ experience from the educational sector (schools, adult education and university), he has led pedagogic development and research projects on various levels.

  • Bachelor of Science
  • Master of Education
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Professor of English

For a more complete list see: 

Lindvall-Östling, M., Deutschmann, M., Steinvall, A., & Strömberg, S. (2020). ‘That’s not Proper English!’ : Using Cross-cultural Matched-guise Experiments to Raise Teacher/Teacher-trainees’ Awareness of Attitudes Surrounding Inner and Outer Circle English Accents. Educare – Vetenskapliga Skrifter, 3, 109–141. 

Ivanov, S., Deutschmann, M., & Enever, J. (2015). Researching language-in-education policies : evidence from the Seychelles, Russia and the European Union. In: Språkdidaktik : researching language teaching and learning (pp. 85–101). 

Deutschmann, M., & Klymenko, O. (2023). Understanding ‘Understanding’ : Towards supporting understanding in the classroom through the understanding of curricula studies – an upcoming project. Seychelles Research Journal (SRJ), 5(1), 19–31.  

Deutschmann, M., Klymenko, O., & Zelime, J. (Eds.). (2022). Understanding Education in the Seychelles : Digest of research from Master’s in Education Leadership cohort 1 (2018-2021) (1st ed.). Seychelles University Press. 

Deutschmann, M., Steinvall, A., & Lindvall-Östling, M. (2021). Raising awareness about gender and language among teacher-training students: A cross-cultural approach. Open Linguistics, 7(1), 666–684. 


Deutschmann, M., & Steinvall, A. (2020). Gender stereotypes and the apology in a small state: Uncovering Creole male stereotypes in the Seychelles using digital matched-guise methodology. Small States & Territories Journal, 3(1), 99–116. 


Deutschmann, M., & Zelime, J. (2022). Kréol Seselwa in Education : A Historical/Political Overview. In Rationalités et imaginaires créoles : Pratique, expression et usage (1st ed., pp. 71–80). 


Deutschmann, M., & Zelime, J. (2021). Researching Kreol Seselwa and its role in education in the pursuit of educational equity in the Seychelles. In Multilingual Learning and Language Supportive Pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 61–78). 


Deutschmann, M., & Zelime, J. (2015). ‘I used to like writing in Kreol but now I only use English’ : an exploratory study of language attitudes and examination performance among primary and secondary school pupils in the Seychelles. Island Studies, 1(2), 36–45. 


Deutschmann, M., & Zelime, J. (2014). Towards a framework for investigating Language-in-education policies in second-language medium of instruction contexts. Island Studies, 1(1), 68–77. 


Zelime, J., & Deutschmann, M. (2019). Communicating local knowledge in a foreign language : a comparative study of ideational and interpersonal aspects of primary school pupils’ L1 and L2 texts in the Seychelles. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 19, 1–28. 


Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2018). Conflicting Ideologies: When the Ideological Meets the Perceived and Operational.– A study of primary teachers’ attitudes, perceptions and practice of Seychelles Creole (Kreol Seselwa) and English as mediums of instruction in the Seychelles Primary Schools. In Smith, K. (ed) (2018). Norsk og internasjonal lærerutdanningsforskning:  Hvor er vi? Hvor vil vi gå? Hva skal vi gjøre nå? / Norway: Fagbokforlaget,  129-151 


Zelime, J. & Deutschmann, M. (2016). Revisiting the Trilingual Language-in-Education policy in the Seychelles National Curriculum Framework and Subject Curricula: Intentions and Practice.  Island Studies,3(1),50-59. 


Zelime, J., Deutschmann, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2018). The effect of the language  of testing on second language learners’ academic performance in Social Studies: The case of Kreol Seselwa and English in the Seychelles classrooms. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 18, pp. 1-22.