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Mrs. Christine Pejakovic

Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute

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Mrs. Christine Pejakovic

Director of the Education and Socio-Economic Research Institute



+248 438 1232

Mrs. Christine Pejakovic is the Director of the Education and Socio – Economic Research Institute (ESERI). She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics (University of London), a Master of Applied Linguistics from the University of Southern Queensland and is currently pursuing a PhD in Linguistics at the University of New England, also in Australia.  

She began her career in international affairs in Seychelles, initially at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then the British High Commission. She spent nearly a decade at the Queensland University of Technology from 2007, where she served as Team Leader for Student Services (Student Business Services) and later for Academic Services in the Creative Industries Faculty.

Since joining the University of Seychelles in 2017, Christine has overseen the Technology and Facilities sections and led the Campus Development project. She also lectures English at UniSey and undertakes research in language and education. 

  • Pejakovic, C. (2024b). [Forthcoming]. A grammatical analysis of language contact between Seychelles Creole and English in the digitally-mediated communication domain. La sociolinguistique insulaire: les avantages et les désavantages d’être une île. Université de Montpellier: France.

  • Pejakovic, C. (2024a, March 5-7). Exploring Creole language typology via a syntactic and morphosyntactic analysis of culinary discourse in Kreol Seselwa [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Créoles de Victoria 2024. Victoria: Seychelles.

  • Butgereit, L., Pejakovic, C.  & Athanase, J. M. (2024). [Forthcoming]. Using AI to Support Young Mathematics Learners in Seychellois Creole.

  • Klymenko, O. & Pejakovic, C. (2023). Syntactic Variation in Conversational Seychelles Creole. Seychelles Research Journal, 5(2), 22-36.

  • Pejakovic, C. (2023). Reduplication in Seychelles Creole. Seychelles Research Journal, 5(1), 32-51

  • Pejakovic, C. (2021).  An exploratory sociolinguistic study of code-switching between Kreol and English in Seychelles web forums. In Creoles: Enjeux éducatifs et culturels. Actes du XVIème colloque international des études creoles. UniSey Press: Seychelles

  • Pejakovic, C. (2016). Code-switching in computer-mediated communication (CMC): an exploratory study of linguistic factors underpinning the role of English in Seychelles Kreol web-writing. Masters thesis, University of Southern Queensland. (Unpublished).

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