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Welcome to the University of Seychelles


Campus Infrastructure Development

Terms of Reference


The 2017-2021 University Strategic Plan emphasises the need for “facilities and high-quality teaching and research areas which are fit for purpose is critical in in achieving our objectives. The quality of our facilities is a cornerstone of our teaching and learning strategy.

The key outcomes of our campus strategy will be:

  • The creation of a master plan of redevelopment of the Anse Royale Campus
  • The creation of high-quality teaching and learning facilities for all curriculum areas
  • An open, safe and secure campus accessible to students, staff and the general public (Libraries, Restaurants, internet access, sports facilities, residential accommodation)
  • Maintenance of the campus infrastructure and building to a high standard using long-term maintenance planning and maximising resources.
  • Maximising recycling opportunities and sufficient and appropriate digital storage.
  • Protecting and developing biodiversity through sound ecological management of the habitats on campus.

Our key definition of success for our systems in 2020 includes:

  • Ergonomically designed – with a people focus; student success orientated; straight to the desktop, simple to use, needing to be acted upon only once and predictive of necessary people action and interaction.
  • Ethical and environmentally sound.
  • Technologically integrated – we need to develop a set of core systems that seamlessly talk to one another and provide and utilise critical sets of data that are stored just once but used many times.
  • Externally connected – outward facing so they connect with wider societal developments and communicate with them in a seamless manner – for example, integrating our Virtual Learning Environment with public social networks
  • Resilient, robust and coherent – flexible enough to be adaptable to new developments and to link into partners’ and other stakeholders’ (including students’) own resources.
  • Value for money and return on investment.
  • Systems which are SMART, transparent and accessible.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – across all areas of The Universities activities (HR, Finance, IT, Housekeeping, Student Services, our managed Learning Environment (IFNOSS or alternative EBS, BlackBoard). In accordance with quality assurance and improvement.”


Roles and responsibilities

Reporting to the University’s Senate, the Committee’s mandate is as follows:

  1. To advise UniSey Senate as necessary, on strategy, policy, priorities and costs relating to the utilisation, maintenance and future development of the physical and information technology infrastructure.
  2. To consider the creation of a master plan of redevelopment of the Anse Royale Campus (including consideration of an alternative site and development from scratch).
  3. To advise on strategies to guide the maintenance of an environmentally-friendly campus that is fit for purpose.
  4. To provide a forum where ICT requirements or emerging technologies are discussed and considered; to request and consider reports from the Technology Sub-Committee.

The members of the Committee will commit to:

  • making all attempts to attend all scheduled meetings
  • sharing all communications and information across all members
  • making timely decisions and taking action so as to not hold up any projects.

Members of the Committee will expect:

  • that each member will be provided with complete, accurate and meaningful information in a timely manner
  • to be given reasonable time to make key decisions
  • open and honest discussions.
  • All meetings will be chaired by the Campus Development Director, or a proxy.
  • A meeting quorum will be 5 members of the Committee. Decisions will be made by voting.
  • Meeting agendas minutes will be provided by the Secretary of the Committee; this includes:preparing agendas and supporting papers and preparing meeting notes and information.
  • The Committee will normally meet four times a year, in addition to virtual meetings. If required subgroup meetings will be arranged outside of these times at a time convenient to subgroup members.